Cloud and Datacenter Management Blog

Microsoft Hybrid Cloud blogsite about Management

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#Microsoft OMS Log Analytics Forwarder #MSOMS

The OMS Log Analytics Forwarder enables customers to have their OMS managed devices (Windows and Linux) to send data to a central server which has access to the internet. OMS Log Analytics Forwarder is a HTTP forward proxy that support HTTP tunneling via HTTP CONNECT command. The Forwarder can handle up to 1000 OMS concurrent connected devices if run on a 4 core CPU, 8GB Windows Server with a 1Gbps network connection. In order to use the OMS Log Analytics Forwarder, you need to install the OMS agent on the Forwarder Server.

OMS Log Analytics Forwarder serv


OMS Forwarder Log Event

Here you can download OMS Log Analytics Forwarder with the installation Guide

Microsoft OMS Logo

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Do your #SQL Assessment with Microsoft OMS before your New Project Starts in Production #MSOMS

OMS Dashboard

Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) Dashboard Online

Lot of Enterprise Organizations do New Microsoft Projects on-premises in Datacenters installed by the IT Department or by external third party with a
Microsoft SQL instance solution configured. Before your New project is going into production for your customers, It’s very good to do a
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) SQL Assessment to see if your SQL Solution is installed and Configured well.

If you don’t have a Microsoft Operations Management Suite Plan, you can get one here

OMS Ebook

Installing MSOMS agents on your SQL Servers or get connected with SCOM first with this Free E-Book

SQL Assessment solution

When you Login to OMS, you have to add the SQL Assessment Solution

When the SQL Assessment SolutionĀ is activated, It can take a while because the assessment has to collect data of the SQL settings.

When It’s finished collecting data you will see this on your MSOMS Dashboard :


Click on the SQL Assessment here

SQL Assessment dash

Here you see the SQL Assessment Dashboard

It does SQL Assessments on the following topics :

  • Security and Compliance
  • Availability and Business Continuity
  • Performance and Scalability
    Upgrade, Migration and Deployment
    Operations and Monitoring
    Change and Configuration Management

Here you see Microsoft Best Practices Advice for your SQL environment, but It’s also helping you to get the job done if configuration is needed
like in this example :

OMS SQL Recommendations

Here we get advice about Backup settings

OMS Recommendation

In this recommendation there is also a link to Recovery Models (SQL Server) to help you out

So Before your New Project goes into Production state for your Customers, It’s important to get fully inĀ Control of the best practices with #MSOMS on
your Solution.


Get Started Today with Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) here

Here you can find more Technical Documentation on MSOMS

And Follow Microsoft OMS and Microsoft MVP’s on Twitter Hashtag #MSOMS

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Microsoft Azure Stack Single Server POC Deployment part2 #AzureStack #HybridCloud #Azure

AzureStack Rack

AzureStack Server

This is the Dell PowerEdge R710 Azure Stack Single POC Server

Now we have installed Microsoft Azure Stack on a Single Server in part 1 we are ready to create Plans, Offers and
create a Virtual Machine on your own Azure Stack Cloud Services šŸ™‚

First we Create a plan in Azure Stack

Sign in as a service administrator and create a plan that includes the compute, network, and storage resource providers. This will give subscribers to the plan the ability to provision virtual machines.

  1. In an internet browser, navigate to https://portal.azurestack.local.
  2. Sign into the Azure Stack Portal as a service administrator and enter your service administrator credentials (this is the account created during step 5 of the Run the PowerShell script section in part 1), and then click Sign in.

Service administrators can create offers and plans, and manage users.

  1. To create a plan and offer that tenants can subscribe to, click New.Create Plan1
    In the Create blade, click Tenant Offers and Plans, and then click Plan.

    Create Plan2

  2. Fill in Display Name and Resource Name. The Display Name is the plan’s friendly name. Only the admin can see the Resource Name. It’s the name that admins use to work with the plan as an Azure Resource Manager resource.Create Plan4
  3. Select or create a new Resource Group as a container for the plan. By default, all plans and offers will go into a resource group called OffersAndPlans.
  4. Click Offered Services, use the Shift key to multi-select all three providers (Compute Provider, Storage Provider, and Network Provider) and then click Select.
    Create Plan6
  5. Click Compute, and then click Needs Configuration.
  6. In the Set Quotas blade, accept all the defaults, click OK, and then click OK
  7. Do the Same with Microsoft Storage Not Configured and with Microsoft Network Not ConfiguredCreate Plan14
  8. Click on Create to make the Azure Stack Plan.Create Plan15
    Create Plan16The New Plan “Serverbeheer” is made.

    Now you have an Azure Stack Plan, you can Create an Offer for the Tenant so they can get a Subscription.
    In the following steps we Create an Offer in Microsoft Azure Stack:

  9. Log in to the portal as a service administrator.
  10. Click New.
  11. Click Tenant Offers and Plans, then click Offer.

Create Offer 1

  • Fill in Display Name and Resource Name. The Display Name is the offer’s friendly name. Only the admin can see the Resource Name. It’s the name that admins use to work with the offer as an Azure Resource Manager resource.
  • Select a new or existing Resource Group.

Create Offer 2

Create Offer 3

Select your plan and Click on Create.

Create Offer 4

  • Click Change State, and then click Public. Plans and offers have to be made public for tenants to get the full view when subscribing. If a plan is private and the offer is public, tenants can get to the offer but wonā€™t be able to see the details of the plan. Plans and offers can be:


    1. Public: Visible to tenants.
    2. Private: Only visible to the service administrators. Useful while drafting the plan or offer, or if the service administrator wants to approve every subscription.
    3. Decommissioned: Closed to new subscribers. The service administrator can use decommissioned to prevent future subscriptions, but leave current subscribers untouched.

Create Offer 7

Here you can Change the Status to Public

Create Offer 6

Your Microsoft Azure Stack Plan and Offer are now Created.

Changes to the plan or offer are not immediately visible to the tenant. To see the changes, the subscription state must be InSync, then the tenant must refresh the portal or login/logout.

Even after an additional subscription has been created and is InSync, you might have to logout/login to see the new subscription in the ā€œSubscription pickerā€ when creating new resources/resource groups.

Subscribe toĀ your Azure StackĀ offer

First you need your Tenant Accounts from Microsoft Azure.
Create an Azure Stack Tenant Account Using the Azure Portal :

You must have an Azure subscription to use the Azure portal.

  1. Log in to Azure.


  2. In Microsoft Azure left navigation bar, click Active Directory.
  3. In the directory list, click the directory that you want to use for Azure Stack, or create a new one.
  4. On this directory page, click Users.
  5. Click Add user.
  6. In the Add user wizard, in the Type of user list, choose New user in your organization.
  7. In the User name box, type a name for the user.
  8. In the @ box, choose the appropriate entry.
  9. Click the next arrow.
  10. In the User profile page of the wizard, type a First name, Last name, and Display name.
  11. In the Role list, choose User.
  12. Click the next arrow.
  13. On the Get temporary password page, click Create.
  14. Copy the New password.
  15. Log in to Microsoft Azure with the new account. Change the password when prompted.
  16. Log in to https://portal.azurestack.local with the new account to see the tenant portal.


Click on Get a Subscription


  1. In the Display Name field, type a name for your subscription.
  2. Click Offer and verify that the offer you created is in the Choose an offer Click that offer, click Select, and then click OK.



After you subscribe to an offer, wait until the subscription state is InSync. Then refresh the portal to see which services are part of the new subscription.

Now we are able to provision a Virtual Machine :


Click on Compute


Click on Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter


Give your server a Name and Login Account and Resource Group


Select your size VM


Create your Storage account.



Your Virtual Server will be ready in 10 minutes on Microsoft Azure Stack
